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IConversionOptions Interface

Defines the options of a conversion.

Namespace:  TB.ComponentModel
Assembly:  UniversalTypeConverter (in UniversalTypeConverter.dll) Version: 2.0.0
public interface IConversionOptions

The IConversionOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowDefaultValueIfNotConvertible
If true, conversion returns the destination's default value if the given value is not convertible to the given type.
Public propertyAllowDefaultValueIfNull
If true, conversion returns the destination's default value if the given value is null and the type of destination doesn't support null.
Public propertyAllowDefaultValueIfWhitespace
If true, conversion returns the destination's default value if the given value is an empty string and otherwise not convertible.
Public propertyByteArrayFormat
Defines the format used when converting an array of bytes to its equivalent string representation and vice versa.
Public propertyConstructorResolvingMode
Defines if and how conversion will try to use a public constructor with it's only parameter beeing of the type of the given source value.
Public propertyDateTimeFormat
Defines the format used when converting a date/time to its equivalent string representation.
Public propertyDateTimeLongMeaning
Defines the meaning of a Long value when converting to DateTime.
Public propertyDateTimePatterns
Gets the list of patterns used when converting a string to its DateTime equivalent. E.g., these patterns are used as formats when calling DateTime.TryParseExact.
Public propertyDateTimeStyle
Defines the DateTimeStyles used when converting a string to its DateTime equivalent.
Public propertyDecimalFormat
Defines the format used when converting a decimal to its equivalent string representation.
Public propertyDecimalNumberStyle
Defines the NumberStyle used when converting a string to its decimal equivalent.
Public propertyFloatFormat
Defines the format used when converting a float to its equivalent string representation.
Public propertyFloatNumberStyle
Defines the NumberStyle used when converting a string to its float (float/double) equivalent.
Public propertyGuidFormat
Defines the format used when converting a guid to its equivalent string representation.
Public propertyHandleDBNullAsNull
If true, Value is handled the same way as null.
Public propertyIntegerFormat
Defines the format used when converting an integer to its equivalent string representation.
Public propertyIntegerNumberStyle
Defines the NumberStyles used when converting a string to its integer (byte/int/long/sbyte/short/uint/ulong/ushort) equivalent.
Public propertyPropertyResolvingMode
Defines if and how conversion will try to use a public property which matches the given type and whos name is identically to a constructor parameter.
See Also